not sure who to credit the picture to - found it on google
Verse: Matthew 5:5
Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.Thought
My older sister used to sit on me and dangle her long hair in my face to torture me! I can remember my Dad quoting this verse with a laugh in his voice when I was whining about it one day. And I always think of that when I hear this verse. One day I will inherit the earth!!!
But meekness shouldn't be confused with weakness. It's not about being the loser in the battle, but rather the winner. Some versions of the bible use the word gentle. Gentleness or meekness describes a person's humbled spirit which is finally willing to live by God’s principles of life. There is a genuine recognition of past failures and the gentle person has opened their heart to God's ways for their life.
But meekness shouldn't be confused with weakness. It's not about being the loser in the battle, but rather the winner. Some versions of the bible use the word gentle. Gentleness or meekness describes a person's humbled spirit which is finally willing to live by God’s principles of life. There is a genuine recognition of past failures and the gentle person has opened their heart to God's ways for their life.
I don't think that I am a particularly meek or gentle person. I get huffy about things quite easily and self-defensive. I don't believe we are being asked to be passive or pathetic, but to recognise our unnecessary feather ruffling when faced with something we don't like and adjust our response. You know those bracelets that have WWJD (What would Jesus do)? That is what we should be considering.
But I think there are some things that make meekness as opposed to weakness recognisable
You should only be driven to anger when you think God is being dishonoured. You must defend God. It's not about you coming out on top but rather God.
You respond to God's word with obedience and humbleness. Hmmm, I always find this tricky.
You look to make peace in your environments (work, social and home)and encourage people.
You should accept criticism and act on it, especially if it is truly and given in by someone who has God's interests at heart
You try to give gentle encouragement and instruction to others.
Meekness is absolute power under perfect control. And if you are given to God, your power is God's. That is scary!
Go the meek!
Keep me meek Lord, so that I can serve you humbly and with obedience. Help me with my stubbornness that keeps me from being the gentle person You ask me to be.