Monday, 25 April 2011

Be still

The Picture

The Verse Psalm 46: 10a
Be still and know that I am God

The Thought
Sometimes we race around trying to sort out work, life, children, school runs, swimming lessons, shopping, karate, church activities, ironing, meals, cleaning etc. (or is this just me? I don't think so).  The time we spend with God is allocated into 5, 10, 30 minutes slots in which we have to read the bible, pray and get the message and we are thinking of all the other things we need to do too.  We have our daily time with God, but it is forced and unnatural - like popping in to visit that elderly aunt out of duty, but looking at our watches to see if it is polite to leave having done our time.
This week away, I had lots of the "daily" activities taken away from me.  And no internet or distractions.  And there was time to be still and be with God.  And it was wonderful.
So often, the only time we are quiet with God is when we are in a remote or empty place.  But the challenge is being still with God in the middle of our busy lives.  Try using your bespoke quiet time this week just to BE before God.  Not trying to learn something profound or pray "meaningful" prayers, but just stopping and savouring His presence. Sometimes He speaks loudest in the quietest time.
The Prayer
Father God, please let me make the effort to stop before you and just enjoy your presence.  Lord use my quiet times this week to speak to me and to refresh me.  Thank you for your love.  Thank you for your comfort,  Thank you for loving me.

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