Friday, 8 April 2011

Day 31: A peaceful heart

Verse:Proverbs 14:30 
A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones.

I love picking through proverbs and this was one that caught my eye.  When I am feeling low because things aren't as I feel they should be, I do think that I am more susceptible to picking up minor illnesses. I don't know whether it is just less easy to shrug off feeling a bit snuffly when I am down or whether I am actually worse.   Matthew Henry suggested that our health is dependent on our attitudes to life.  And I think this is true.  When you are fit and well, life's little foibles and minor illnesses just don't seem that big a deal, but equally, when you are poorly you can feel low, and vice versa .  But a bit of illness and unhappiness: - it all seems to spiral downwards, until you are just an unhappy little blob of misery.
I deal with a lot of stresses people (I may have mentioned this before) and there are always physical side effects  - headaches, stomach ulcers sometimes even cardiac events.  But anger, envy, stress, bitterness etc often seem punishment enough, leading to depression and unhappiness.
This proverbs is suggesting that a spiritually healthy spirit and a heart free of unwholesome attitudes promotes a physically healthy body.  Of course this doesn't mean Christians don't get sick or stressed, but it how we deal with it and maintain a relationship with God that is crucial.
Being submissive to God is to be in good spiritual health, whatever the condition of the body may be. 

Help me always try to maintain a healthy heart for you God.  Let me be free from envy and unhappiness, and focused on you.

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