Monday 21 March 2011

Day 13: And the trees will clap their hands

The Picture

The Verse Isaiah 55:12
You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands."

The Thought 
The book of Isaiah is so rich in promises and prophecies.  The Saviour is promised to us.  I read this verse as an outpouring of the elation Isaiah felt at the promises of Jesus.
When I became a Christian, I can remember the zinging feeling of joy!  And if the hills and mountains had sung or the trees clapped – I wouldn’t have been too surprised.  Although I grew up in a Christian household, I didn’t become a Christian until I was about 12.  We were on our confirmation camp up in the Cedarburg mountains and were camping in the pine forest.  I can remember the hissing and singing noise the needles made as the wind passed through them.  Indeed the trees clapped their hands!  My dad (as always!) was at the camp and I can remember his joy when I made that commitment.  How much greater must God’s joy be when we turn to Him as our Lord?
My dad gave me a bible after that weekend and I wrote the date of  my conversion.  When I found that Bible recently, I was thrilled to find that my Joseph was born on the same date (some 26 years later though).  I hope that I am around when he makes his commitment to God.  
When I am out walking in the mountains or moors, the song from this verse often comes to mind.  And I am filled with the joy of God!  I hope that I sing it all day today! 

The Prayer
Father God, thank you for the joy we can find in You.  Thanks you that the very earth breaks into song at the thought of you.  Help me maintain that joy even when times are tricky, that I might always have a song in my heart to worship You.

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