Friday 11 March 2011

Day 3: Even the spiders!

The Pictures

The Verse Psalm 104:24
How many are your works, O Lord!  In wisdom you made them all; the earth is full of your creatures. 

Job 12:10
"In his hand is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind."

The Thought
Allow yourself to be amazed at all that God has created.
Mighty lions, gentle springbok, beautiful birds and tiny spiders.  God created each of these and their individual beauty.  Animals can teach us how to live.  They don't hoard material things, they hunt what they need.  They sleep easily every night and wake rested.  They aren't malicious and scheming.  They don't pick fights for no reason.  They live their lives trusting that things will be OK, not fretting about what tomorrow will bring. 
They all have a role and live within that role without trying to be what they aren't.
And when they have babies, they teach those cubs/kittens/puppies the life skills they will need when they grow up to be independent.

I have a real fear of spiders.  I'm not sure what initiated it or where it comes from.  But spiders make me want to cry out and run away.  My heart races and I begin to breathe fast.  It is irrational and silly, but I can't help it.  I am horrified to find that Joe has picked up on this and exhibits the same fear as me.  I am trying to put a stop to this, both in him and me.  We go outside and examine spider webs, and take photos of spiders and catch them in his nature pot so we can have a good look at them.  And they are amazing. 
But having passed this phobia to Joe makes me realise how much he copies me.  I hope that I will set good examples in my life - the way I speak to people, the way I behave, my relationship with God.  
Look around and let the creatures of the earth teach us to live by their example.  

The Prayer
Lord and creator of all thing, we thank you for the animals, insects and birds you have put on this earth.  Lord, each of these is precious to You.  How much more so are we precious to You.  Let us learn from an animals simple faith in life and provision.  You have promised to care for me, help me to put that trust in You.

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