Friday 15 April 2011

Day 38: Speak wisely


Verse:  Proverbs 16 :22-24
Discretion is a life-giving fountain to those who possess it, but discipline is wasted on fools.
From a wise mind comes wise speech; the words of the wise are persuasive.
Kind words are like honey - sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.

We all wish we could find the fountain of youth.  You see people aspiring to retain their youth wherever you look.  But it is a myth, a dream.  But the life-giving  fountain of discretion or wisdom is real.  I have the choice of being encouraged by God-given wisdom or being brought down with a bump with my own foolish thoughts, words and behaviour.
The word for understanding in this verse is wisdom or insight.  Like a fountain of life, it is refreshing, life sustaining and inexhaustible.  A wise person is very careful about what they say because they do not want to hurt but instead help others. They doesn't just speak the first words that come to mind, but pause and consider the words they will say.   Sometimes you draw encouragement from others and they from you in equal measure.  You may start out by thinking you are providing the support only to find you draw as much, if not more encouragement from the encounter.   And kind, gentle and loving words can do more to boost you in your morale and energy levels than anything else.
So take time to consider the words you speak, the comfort you give, the advice you dole out, and make sure they are words from God, not just the first random thoughts that come from your brain.  Encourage where you can and boost people with the things you say.
 I need to make a list of things I can do to make others happy. One of these items needs to be that I will be careful to guard my tongue so I will not say things that hurt others.  Help me be thoughtful of the words that come from my mouth.

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