Saturday 16 April 2011

Day 39: Plenty of room at the Inn!


Verse: John 14: 1-4
Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me.  My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you?  And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.  You know the way to the place where I am going.

When Jesus spoke these words, he was talking to his disciples just before he was crucified.  They are confused and scared as their world seems to be tumbling down around them.  He is anticipating their pain and comforting them.  As Christians we know that Christ is alive and present.  We know him and talk to him,  Although we can't see him, we trust him.  The omniscience of God means that He is everywhere, so He is always there when we need him.  We just need to believe in him and trust him.
And Jesus also promises us a place in Heaven, in His Fathers house.  He says there are many rooms and he has gone to get our rooms ready for us.  (I always imagine I will get a basement room!).  And then he will come and fetch us to take us there.  I love this image.  Imagine going for a walk with a friend and you are exhausted so you sit down at the side of the road. Your friends pats you and says, "You look exhausted - just wait there.  I'll go and sort out somewhere for us to stay".  So you wait there and trust he will come back for you.  When he does come back (as you knew he would) he arrives with a posh car to drive your exhausted body to the most fantastic 5 star hotel in the world.  And you find he has organised things so they have laid on everything you could want.  And there is a room just for you.
That 5 star hotel is heaven.  And you know what? Jesus is just getting it ready for us. He says, "If it were not so I would have told you."And he is coming to fetch us to take us there, to take us home.  It is going to be wonderful.  And I love the idea that heaven is a house - not a country or city of lots of different dwelling places, but one house that we will all dwell in.
I trust Him.  I trust that He will take me to heaven, to his fathers house when I die.
Father, thank you that there is a place for me in your presence and in Your Fathers house. Thank you for holding me in your arms and loving me. Thank you for caring for me and coming into my life. Thank you for daily reminding me of your father’s love for me.

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