Sunday 6 March 2011

Hmm - not God's most rapid response member.....

I am horrified to see that it is a year since I started this blog.  That was after my return from our church's ladies weekend last year and now I have just returned from this years.
I felt so inspired and so excited about starting this but was daunted by it, hence the long pause while I tried to be brave enough to start.  But I felt a real sense of peace about this, and I hope I can do it justice.
Next week is the start of Lent and I feel I would like to do a study on God in nature.  I'm going to call it my Natural Faith series for Lent 2011.
While we were on the week-end away, one of the ministry assistants, Michelle, had created a wonderful prayer walk around the grounds of the house we were staying in.  It was while I was doing this walk that I got the idea for this series.  I felt that this could be a good kick off point.  I would love it if people shared this journey, but equally, I am happy to do it alone.   
Watch this space - you never know, I may actually listen to God this year!


  1. Remember that God knows the timing also. I'm sure He knew it would take you a year to start again. This is a great idea. I've got you in my Google Reader and I can't wait to see where it goes next.

  2. Debbie wonderful you are followinng your heart and His calling. I hope your journey takes you to an even higher place with God. And like you I can always see God's beauty and love and power in nature.
